Maldon to Heybridge. You can of course drive the Heybridge basin, where there is a large car park and waterfront walks to Goldhanger. Alternatively you can walk or cycle from Maldon along the waterside footpaths. At Heybridge Basin there are cafes and Pubs serving good food.

To start, you leave Maldon and walk down Market Hill, cross over the bridge at the bottom of the hill and continue to walk along the main road on the right hand side past 3 roundabouts until you come to Hall Road on the right hand side. Walk down Hall Road and there is a footpath leading to the walkway which will run all the way alongside the river until you reach the Basin.

For the way back, you can select to go via an alternate route by heading down the canal pathway. This leads into Heybridge and back to the Tesco car park. You can then go up Market Hill and you're back in Maldon.

Below are some pictures taken in 2007/08.