Maldon to Beeleigh Falls. You can get to Beeleigh a few ways from Maldon. One is from the top end of the high street, down London Road until Abbey Turning. This is the most direct route, but does mean walking on the road for parts. Alternatively, the longer and more scenic route is out via the back of Tesco's car park

To start, you leave Maldon and walk down Market Hill, cross over the bridge at the bottom of the hill and turn left into a walkway then past the Post Office Depot on the pathway alongside the waterway. Walking alongside the rear of Tesco's car park, when the pavement turns right to go over a bridge, break away onto the dirt path and stay going alongside the river towards to bridge. Pass under the bridge, alongside the Maldon Golf Course and eventually you will come out to the falls. You can then come back on the otter side of the water, via the abbey.

Below are some pictures taken on this route in 2008.